Parts for Advanced Ship Ballast Water Treating System Released

A set of tools, manufactured by Dasyc, was released recently from our customer, a leading Greek company producing advanced Ship Ballast Water Treating Systems. This was a complex project involving different production technologies and works.

Most of the parts are now produced using the Gas Assisted Injection Molding, a production method which is used in Greece only by Dasyc. The project involved the redesigning of the parts from machined to molded. With the GAIM method, parts are now a lighter than originally and the production lead time has decreased a lot, thus making it easier for our customer to better respond to market needs.

Apart from the redesign and production of the parts, Dasyc has assumed the delivery of complete subassemblies of the system, which involves the assembly of the parts and the performance of a series of tests to ensure that do not exist any leakages. In that way our customer receives subassemblies already tested and which are fitted directly to their system.